Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bird With Broken Wings Don Francisco

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Good News!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Back Is To The Wall - Blessed Voices

This song says it all.

You've been to the doctor and he just shook his head.

So many nights you've suffered lying in bed.

But you can't seem to make it.

Your body is ill.

Friend God likes to work when nothing else will.


You've been to the banker.

He said no with regret.

You've tried everyway just to get ahead.

But you're hoping and praying for a miracle still.

Oh God likes to work when nothing else will.


God likes to work

When your back's to the wall

When faith's in the balance

And you're just about to fall.

So there'll be no mistaking when He blesses and heals

Oh God likes to work when nothing else will.


So there'll be no mistaking when He blesses and heals

Oh God likes to work when nothing else will.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Love Of God

Have you ever had one of those moments when your child said something that just made our heart swell with pride and brought tear to your eyes?  I love those moments!
 My daughter had been longing for a kitten for ever so long. Because we are a liscenced daycare there are certain shots required to own a pet and as anyone knows those shots aren't free! I've spent more money than I care to think about on shots for kittens only to have the kittens mysteriously disappear. It's happened over and over again till I was done with getting any sort of cat/kitten!
 My daughter understood all that but that didn't squelch her desire for a cat. So she decided if she saved up $100 to cover the first shots maybe I would let her get a kitten? I agreed. She changed her mind. "Too hard", she said. After a couple months she changed her mind again and started stashing every bit of allowance she could and selling toys.
 Finally the day came when we could get a kitten. We decided to try the pet store first in hopes of finding a kitten with shots. No luck. All they had were full grown cats for $125. My niece suggested we try a pet store on the other side of town (Thanks Amanda! Smart thinking!) So we headed across town.
 We were overjoyed to find they had three kittens and a sale! Marked down from  $99.99 to $66.99 and that included shots and a free first vet visit!
 After the purchases were made and we were on the way home I looked at my daughter and said, "I think you might want to tell God thank you for making this all work out so good". And with the sweetest smile on her face and a tear in her eye she said,  "I already did".
  The very fact that in the middle of her excitement she had remembered who to thank for how this all worked out filled this mammas heart with joy and thanksgiving!!!

The love of God is so immense that it will even reach to a 10 year old little girl who is longing for a kitten! The love of God cares about the smallest details in our life. He didn't send His Son to die on the cross for us and then forget about us. He is still  paying attention to every detail, every cry of our hearts. My 10 year old has a faith in God that God can work with and He will not leave her stranded. Neither will he leave you or me stranded. He cares!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The River ~ Brian Doerksen

Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.  Isaiah 49:13

I have always LOVED music. I live, sleep and breath music. I could sit for hours listening to songs, finding new songs, learning songs, singing along with the songs that touch me deeply. Worshiping, raising my hands in praise, being moved to tears.There can be so much encouragement and uplifting of the spirit in the messages.
 Here is a song that has a wonderful message!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jesus Cries

We're never alone! Jesus is always right with us in our pain and He wants us to know He understands and will help us thru it if we want Him to.
 He's such an awesome friend!!