Saturday, August 29, 2009

Help! We've Lost An Old Friend!

HELP! - We've lost An Old Friend!

I'm looking for an old friend - who seems to have gone on a hike and got lost.
Or maybe he took seriously the saying, "Evil Communications Corrupt Good Manners", decided he wasn't going to hang around any more and went into hiding.
There have been reports of sightings from time to time but these sightings are few and far between. I really would like to have him feel as welcome as he seemed to feel in the distant past.
It seems our Dear Old Friend's name has been all but forgotten. Maybe that's why he went into hiding. If - that's actually what has happen to him.
There's an old saying, "Birds Of A Feather Flock Together" maybe there have been too many Foul Feathered Birds around, and he decided to leave.
But then that seems to be a question similar to the question of -"Which came first - the chicken or the egg?" Did our Dear Old Friend take leave because of these Foul Feathered Birds? Or did these Foul Feathered Birds take up residence after our Dear Old Friend was sent on a hike and got lost?
The fact of the matter is - Our Old Friend was sent on a hike and got lost - then these Foul Feathered Birds settled in.

Our Dear Old Friend liked order and he was very good at helping to keep order. But these Foul Feathered Birds - that seem to have taken up residence - seem to all have the same last name- Disorder.
And by the way - they don't want you to know what their real name is, so they only give their initials such as - (A.D.H.D.) - (N.L.D.) - (A.S.D.) - (A.D.D.) - (O.C.D.) - (B.P.D.) - and who knows how many more there are. But if you will notice - they all end with the initial (D.) which stands for (Disorder).
All these seem to have taken up residence after our Dear Old Friend was sent on a hike and got lost.
I was really hoping that our Dear Old Friend wasn't dead! But then - the other day - I came across Our Old Friend's Obituary written by an Unknown Author. And I thought you might like to read it.
And Old Friend Passes Away!
Author Unknown
Today - we mourn the passing away of a once beloved friend.
This friend of old has been ill for many years. But it seems now to have passed away.
This old friend went by the name of - Common Sense.
Common Sense lived a long life in the United States, but has now died of a disease called greed - resulting in heart failure.
No one really knows how old he was, because his birth records were lost long ago in bureaucratic red tape.
He selflessly devoted his life to service in schools, hospitals, home, factories- helping folks get jobs done without fanfare and the unnecessary foolishness of protection insurances and laws.
For decades, petty rules, silly laws, and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense.
He was credited with cultivating such valued lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, and that - if you put your nose or fingers where they don't belong - they just might get cut off - and that you couldn't really - rely on every thing in this life to always be fair.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound principles - such as don't spend before you earn and don't spend more then you earn.
Common Sense also tells us that - adults are in charge, not the children, and that it's O.K. to not always win first prize - it's O.K. to not always come in first place.
As a veteran ,Common Sense survived the Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression.
But his health declined when he became infected by the virus of "If it only helps one person (me) it's worth it.
In recent decades his waning strength proved no match for the ravages of well-intentioned- but overbearing - regulations.
He watched in pain as good people became ruled by self-seeking law makers and lawyers who live off those who are oppressed by the law.
The health of Common Sense rapidly deteriorated when schools endlessly implemented zero-tolerance policies.
Such as - a six year old boy, being charged with sexual harassment for kissing a six year old classmate, a teen-ager suspended for using mouthwash after lunch, and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student - on the claim that the reprimand only worsened the student's condition.
The health of Common Sense declined even further when schools had to get parental consent to administer aspirin but were not allowed to inform the student's parents before administering an abortion to the student.
Common Sense lost all will to live when the very breath of Common Sense the "Ten Commandments" was squeezed out of all public places. And when churches became businesses, and criminals receive better treatment than their victims.
Finally Common Sense gave up the ghost when a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot and was awarded a huge settlement in a law-suit.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents - Father Truth and mother Trust, sister Discretion and brother Responsibility -there seems to be no surviving relatives.
P.S. - Common Sense was one of the links in the chain of life.
Common Sense wasn't just a link - it's a very important link - of life in the chain of all human life - even the carnal life - of the world.
Common Sense is needed to make important decisions. Decisions, that can determine whether you will fail or succeed in this life.
Without Common Sense there isn't much chance at all of succeeding in this life.
Common Sense takes into consideration everything involved in any decision being decided.
Common Sense takes into consideration not just what I get out of my decision today,but what effect will this decision have on tomorrow - what effect will this decision have a month from now or a year and maybe even ten years from now.
Common Sense could actually have an effect for generations to come.
But - there has actually been discovered by some diligent seekers, another one of the Sense Family. He is found in the Word of God, and goes by the name of "Holy Spirit" - which is - Un-Common Sense.
Common Sense, according to the World English Dictionary, means, - Good judgment: sound practical judgment derived from experience rather than study.
Ignoring Common Sense can have serious consequences in this life.
Then I wondered - Is Un-Common Sense the proper term to be used in relation to the Holy Spirit?
So I looked it up in the World English Dictionary and found this to be the definition of Un-Common Sense - "Very great: used to emphasize the great extent of something showing uncommon wisdom."
Ignoring Common Sense can have serious consequences in this life.
But ignoring the Un-Common Sense of the Holy Spirit will have devastating consequences in this life. And those devastating consequences will go on for all eternity.
Common Sense may do just fine for flying thru this life - but there is no 'Sense' in Common Sense for your landing in eternity.
Un-Common Sense From the Holy Spirit is Sensitive to God's voice in this life and prepares us - giving us all the instructions we need - for flying through this life and then - when this life ends and the time has come for our plane to land there will be a safe landing on streets of gold for all eternity.
Common Sense will die. But Un-Common Sense - Holy Spirit - never dies. In fact - He not only never dies - He brings life to all who will follow His (The Holy Spirit's) Un-Common Sense.
Un-Common Sense lives for the good of all.
Common Sense is what you were born - in the flesh with.
Un-Common Sense is what you will receive when you are "Born Again" in the Spirit. (It's that still small voice!) Many no longer hear that still small voice -there are too many other louder voices drowning out the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
God's word says - Be still and know that I Am God. (Psalm 46:10)
It takes being still to hear the voice of Un-Common Sense - The Holy